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Quarterly briefings - walking your Christian life

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Welcome to February 2025 issue of InterSections


Welcome to the February 2025 issue of InterSections.

A few issues ago we focused on the concept of forgiveness. In this issue we look at the related idea of confession. We understand the importance for confession in forgiveness, both from God and from each other. But do we really understand what confession as a spiritual practice demands of us?

In our Feature, Kok Bin examines what the Bible has to say about confession. And, as Food for Thought Craig Holyoak considers what it means to confess our sins in our everyday life. In Puzzling Passages, Allan McNicol looks at what is meant by baptism for the dead in 1 Corinthians 15:29.

Our International Letter is from Ghana where Frank Essien introduces us to Heritage Christian University in Accra. In our News, we hear about the Saving Light lecture series in Melbourne, Camp Challenge in NSW, and the Warringah Youth Day in NSW. But we begin with ChurchScene where Dale Hartman tells of his recent tour through parts of Australia, talking about Christian parenting through 'Fingerprints of Faith.'


We pray that this issue will be encouraging and thought-provoking as we each grow closer to the Lord and one another.  The InterSections Team

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'But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’   Matthew 6:33. uplifted as we work together

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